Comprehensive Trauma-focused Mental Health Treatment

For over a decade, Urban-based Adventures or UBA has provided an array of comprehensive mental health services to treat a broad range of symptoms and behaviors related to early childhood exposure to trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

Through our innovative and unique bio/psycho/social/eco treatment approach called Adventure-based Psychotherapy, UBA combines outdoor rock climbing with psychotherapy to treat trauma and ACEs.

The integration of the healing properties of the natural environment merged with the spirit of adventure imbued in all of us is an essential facet of Adventure-based Psychotherapy that has advanced and enriched mental health outcomes and increased overall general functioning and well being of children, youth and their families living in urban communities, considerably.

To extend and expand our impact, UBA offers a variety of Clinical Training Programs. Our Clinical Training Programs are designed for those interested in working with children, youth and their families living in urban communities and developing similar programs using UBA's innovative bio/psycho/social/eco treatment approach.

Finally, UBA offers both Telehealth Mental Health and In Person sessions to address a range of adult psychiatric disorders and symptoms associated with early childhood exposure to trauma and ACEs including post traumatic stress disorder, learning disabilities, ADHD, depression and anxiety.

Mental Health Services

Adventure-based Psychotherapy Treatment Programs

Telemental Health


Common symptoms of ACEs and trauma include affect dysregulation, hyper-vigilance, triggering, and re-enactments. Common behaviors include fight, flight, freeze, feign and fawn responses.

Both symptoms and behaviors can cause significant challenges in maintaining overall general functioning throughout the life-cycle if left untreated.

UBA's treatment approach reduces trauma-related symptoms and behaviors by repairing, rebuilding, restoring, and renewing the core building blocks of attachment lost or damaged by early childhood exposure to trauma and ACEs — feelings of hope, trust, safety, control, and mastery — to improve general functioning and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Disclosure: All of the participants provided their expressed written authorization, consent, and permission to use their identities and images for media, videos, and photographs.

"Let Me Be Me, Helping Children Heal After Trauma" book by Dr. Clifton Hicks now available!

Purchase on Amazon.